序号 | 刊物全称 | 出版社 | 网址 |
1 | International Journal of Robotics Research | SAGE | http://ijr.sagepub.com/ |
2 | IEEE Transactions on Robotics | IEEE | http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/RecentIssue.jsp?punumber=8860 |
3 | Autonomous Robots | Kluwer Academic Publishers | http://www.springer.com/engineering/robotics/journal/10514 |
4 | Robotica | Cambridge University Press | http://journals.cambridge.org/journal_robotica? |
5 | Advanced Robotics | VNU Science Press | http://openurl.ingenta.com/content?genre=journal&issn=1568-5527 |
6 | International Journal of Humanoid Robotics | SAGE | http://www.worldscinet.com/ijhr/ |
7 | International Journal of Robotics and Automation | ACTA PRESS | http://www.actapress.com/Content_of_Journal.aspx?JournalID=147 |
8 | International Journal of Advanced Robotics Systems | SAGE | http://www.intechweb.org/ars-journal.html |
9 | Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing | Pergamon | http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/07365845 |
10 | Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems | SPRINGER | http://www.springer.com/engineering/robotics/journal/10846 |
11 | Journal of Aerospace Information Systems | AIAA | http://www.medsci.cn/sci/url.do?id=219d11309&q=w |
12 | Industrial Robot-an International Journal | EMERALD GROUP | https://www.emeraldinsight.com/page/products/journals/journals.htm?id=aa#ope |